NoisePy DataStore Tutorial#

Introduction to the NoisePy DataStore class.

# Uncomment and run this line if the environment doesn't have noisepy already installed:
# ! pip install noisepy-seis 

Warning: NoisePy uses obspy as a core Python module to manipulate seismic data. Restart the runtime now for proper installation of obspy on Colab.

This tutorial should be ran after installing the noisepy package.

from noisepy.seis import  __version__       # noisepy core functions
from import SCEDCS3DataStore # Object to query SCEDC data from on S3
from import channel_filter
from import XMLStationChannelCatalog        # Required stationXML handling object
from datetime import datetime
from datetimerange import DateTimeRange

print(f"Using NoisePy version {__version__}")

S3_STORAGE_OPTIONS = {"s3": {"anon": True}}
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.14/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/noisepy/seis/io/ TqdmExperimentalWarning: Using `tqdm.autonotebook.tqdm` in notebook mode. Use `tqdm.tqdm` instead to force console mode (e.g. in jupyter console)
  from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
Using NoisePy version 0.1.dev1
# timeframe for analysis
start = datetime(2022, 1, 2)
end = datetime(2022, 1, 4)
time_range = DateTimeRange(start, end)
2022-01-02T00:00:00 - 2022-01-04T00:00:00


A noisepy DataStore is a set of classes to accommodate the various types of data store that are necessary because how reseachers store their data, which can be dramatically different w.r.t. formats (mSEED, SAC, SEG-Y), file system (local, S3), and naming conventions. Our noisepy team does not impose a definite data structure, but instead suggest to wrap the data storage structure into a python class. A Data Store class can be the front-end of the real back-end data storage, and return data through read_data function. It allows users to customize based on how they store the data, and leaving the rest of the workflow untouched.

See noisepy/noisepy-io for more about DataStore Class.

S3 DataStore#

Here, we instantiate a SCEDCS3DataStore class as raw_store as an example of Data Store on the cloud. This variable allows reading data from the real data storage backend during the later processing. The initialization parameters of SCEDCS3DataStore are

  • S3_DATA: path to the data in the "s3://" format.

  • catalog: path to the station XML available in the "s3://" format.

  • channel_filter: channel selection, based on station name and/or channel type.

  • time_range: DateTimeRange of data for processing.

  • storage_option: optimal storage option to read S3 data. This is where you can put AWS keys/credential if applicable.

See noisepy/noisepy-io for SCEDCS3DataStore

We will work with a single day worth of data on SCEDC. The continuous data is organized with a single day and channel per miniseed ( For this example, you can choose any year since 2002. We will just cross correlate a single day.

# SCEDC S3 bucket common URL characters for that day.
S3_DATA = "s3://scedc-pds/continuous_waveforms/"

# S3 storage of stationXML
S3_STATION_XML = "s3://scedc-pds/FDSNstationXML/CI/"  

stations = "SBC,RIO,DEV".split(",") # filter to these stations
catalog = XMLStationChannelCatalog(S3_STATION_XML, storage_options=S3_STORAGE_OPTIONS) # Station catalog
raw_store = SCEDCS3DataStore(S3_DATA, catalog, 
                             channel_filter(["CI"], stations, ["BHE", "BHN", "BHZ",
                                                               "EHE", "EHN", "EHZ"]), 
                             storage_options=S3_STORAGE_OPTIONS) # Store for reading raw data from S3 bucket
<s3fs.core.S3FileSystem at 0x7f414df82230>

To know what method was defined under the DataStore, we can list them as follow

method_list = [method for method in dir(raw_store) if method.startswith('__') is False]
['_abc_impl', '_ensure_channels_loaded', '_get_datepath', '_get_filename', '_load_channels', '_parse_channel', '_parse_timespan', 'ch_filter', 'channel_catalog', 'channels', 'date_range', 'file_re', 'fs', 'get_channels', 'get_inventory', 'get_timespans', 'path', 'paths', 'read_data']

The get_timespan function cuts the whole time span into each day#

span = raw_store.get_timespans()
[2022-01-02T00:00:00+0000 - 2022-01-03T00:00:00+0000, 2022-01-03T00:00:00+0000 - 2022-01-04T00:00:00+0000]

Get metadata of available channels#

The get_channel function takes a time span, and read all stationXML for that specific day

channels = raw_store.get_channels(span[0])
2024-06-24 21:36:27,351 139919498394496 INFO utils.log_raw(): TIMING: 1.2677 secs. for Loading 4035 files from s3://scedc-pds/continuous_waveforms/2022/2022_002/
2024-06-24 21:36:27,418 139919498394496 INFO utils.log_raw(): TIMING: 0.0664 secs. for Init: 1 timespans and 9 channels
2024-06-24 21:36:27,558 139917930784320 INFO channelcatalog._get_inventory_from_file(): Reading StationXML file s3://scedc-pds/FDSNstationXML/CI/CI_RIO.xml
2024-06-24 21:36:27,748 139917914003008 INFO channelcatalog._get_inventory_from_file(): Reading StationXML file s3://scedc-pds/FDSNstationXML/CI/CI_SBC.xml
2024-06-24 21:36:27,764 139917686470208 INFO channelcatalog._get_inventory_from_file(): Reading StationXML file s3://scedc-pds/FDSNstationXML/CI/CI_DEV.xml
2024-06-24 21:36:31,915 139919498394496 INFO s3store.get_channels(): Getting 9 channels for 2022-01-02T00:00:00+0000 - 2022-01-03T00:00:00+0000: [CI.DEV.BHE, CI.DEV.BHN, CI.DEV.BHZ, CI.RIO.BHE, CI.RIO.BHN, CI.RIO.BHZ, CI.SBC.BHE, CI.SBC.BHN, CI.SBC.BHZ]

Get data#

With the time and channel list, we can use read_data function to read the data. Note that the returned channel data is parsed into NoisePy ChannelData type.

The data type stream is a typical obspy stream.

d = raw_store.read_data(span[0], channels[2])
1 Trace(s) in Stream:
CI.DEV..BHZ | 2022-01-02T00:00:00.019539Z - 2022-01-02T23:59:59.994539Z | 40.0 Hz, 3456000 samples;